
Pala Community Calendar
Pala Rez Radio

The Community Events and Casino Corner portions of this newsletter can be heard three times daily Monday to Sunday on Rez Radio, at 7:25 a.m., 12:25 p.m. (in Pala Today Monday to Friday), and at 5:25 p.m. as the “Pala Community Calendar.”

Submit items for the Pala Community Calendar (PCC) at least a week before the event to

Community Calendar

Services for Donna Dominguez are Saturday, March 22 at 9a at Kish Hati Wenet on Pala Mission Road just east of Highway 76.  Burial to follow at Pala Cemetery with lunch at Pala Admin building.

Antonio Garra Day is Saturday, March 22 in Old Town San Diego.  Rez Radio will broadcast live from the event from noon to 4p.  Bird song groups scheduled to perform include the Pal Atingva Singers led by Rez Radio’s Elijah Duro.

The next Rez Beats open mic night is Friday, March 28 from 5 to 8 at IHC on Crestwood Road in Boulevard.  Bird songs, rapping, dancing, and poetry.  Indian tacos, snacks and drinks.  Ages 15 to 25.  RSVP to

The 38th annual Fallbrook Avocado Festival is Sunday, April 13, all day throughout downtown Fallbrook. Details at 

The American Entertainment Hall of Fame 2025 induction ceremonies are Sunday, April 13 at Temecula Valley High School’s Golden Bears Theater.  Details and ticket information at

The annual Gathering to say a prayer for ancestors at Kupa Cemetery in Warner Springs is April 10 at 10a.  For more information, call the Cupa Cultural Center at 760 891 3590.

The 50th Cupa Days will be Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4.  Free and open to everyone beginning 10a Saturday with Peon games all night.  Rez Radio will broadcast live from the arena all day both days.  For vendor information, call Na’Leigha at 760 891 3590.

The Weekly Beading Club meets every Friday afternoon at the Cupa Cultural Center.  Supplies are provided.  Space is limited.  Call 760 891 3590 to sign up.

The American Indians Veterans Association Meetings are the first Friday of each month at 10a in the multi-purpose room at IHC Rincon.  Call Tim Ravago for details at 760 644 1320.

Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters for IHC patients are available at IHC Rincon Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9a to 5:30p.  Wednesdays at IHC Santa Ysabel with days and hours based on pending appointments.  Appointments and masks required.  Call 760 749 1410 x5297 or 5285.

Senior chair volleyball every Monday and Wednesday at 10a at Pala Fitness Center.  Contact Shannon or Samantha in Pala Senior Services for details. 760 891 3505 or 3507

Pala Cultural Resources Committee monthly meetings are open to all Pala tribal members.  Meetings are the third Thursday of each month at 5p in the Pala Administration Building. Details at

The Pala Tobacco Program invites Pala residents over the age of 18 years to take the Voluntary Smoke-free Homes Pledge.  By signing this pledge, residents commit to protecting their families from the dangers of second and thirdhand smoke.  Participants receive gift cards in exchange for their time. Interested residents can stop by and see Jennifer Banagas at the Pala Admin building.  Call 760-891-3533, or email .  For more information, go to   

Opt-in to Pala’s phone-based community emergency alert system to receive text messages, automated phone calls, or emails whenever there’s an emergency or hazardous situation on or near the reservation.  Contact the Pala Environmental Department for the link.

Pala Fire Department has a “You Are Not Alone” program for the benefit of seniors, those who live alone and generally anyone who is isolated.  Volunteers make phone calls to people who sign up to be checked on.  You can also suggest someone who ought to be signed up, but may not know about YANA.  It’s for everyone in Pala.  Not just tribal members.  To volunteer, sign up or find out more about Pala’s You Are Not Alone program, email or call Pala Fire Department at 760 742 1632.

There’s a Farmer’s Market at Lawrence Welk Village off Champagne Blvd north of Escondido every Monday from 3-7p. Tuesdays 9a to 1p at Vail Headquarters on Temecula Parkway.   Wednesdays at Temecula Promenade mall parking lot from 9a to 1p.  One in downtown Oceanside every Thursday from 9a to 1p.  There’s one in Vista Saturdays from 8a to noon on S. Melrose near the county courthouse. . The Old Town Temecula Farmers Market is the second and fourth Thursday each month from 5 to 9p.   And the weekly Fallbrook Farmers Market is Saturdays from 9a to 1:30p on Main between Hawthorne & Fig.  

Fox Raceway in Pala is open.  For information go to, @FoxRaceway on Instagram or  

Pala Skate Park is open daily.

Pala Fitness Center is open daily.  Hours are Monday through Friday, 6a to 9p.  Saturdays 8a to 4p.  And Sundays 8a to noon.  

The Pala Language Revitalization Program offers free online classes every Monday.  The Pala Learning Center’s GED prep, literacy classes, K-12 and college tutoring are all available remotely via Zoom every weekday from 8a to 4:30p.  Printed packets of studies in more than a dozen classes for students of the Bonsall school district who don’t have internet access are available every other Tuesday.  For more information on all of these programs, call the Pala Learning Center at 760 891 3538.

Pala Little Feathers Preschool is open to all children ages 2 to 4 and now enrolling. Year-round, part or fulltime.  Call Martina at 760 742 1997 or email 

Pala Youth Center is open to all kids and teens Monday through Friday from 10a to 4p.  Call April Cantu at 760 742 2281.

Rincon Serenity Al-anon meets every Wednesday from 4 to 5:30p on the phone at 213 279 1990.  Enter the ID 831 016 298#.  For questions about this program, call Doris at 760 533 9535.

For news on activities, events and services at IHC in Rincon, call 760 749 1410 x5246 or x5340. 



Event listings and info to help you enjoy Pala’s own four-diamond Casino, Spa and Resort

Pala Box Office 1 877 946 7252 or

AT Pala Casino and Resort …

Live music nightly at the Center Bar. 

Concerts at Pala Events Center

  • Fri Mar 21 – Zepparella, female tribute to Led Zeppelin
  • Sun Apr 6 – El Coyote y Su Banda Tierra Santa
  • Fri Apr 15 – Bee Gee Fever, tribute to the Bee Gees

Concerts at the outdoor theater

  • Sat Apr 26 – Wynonna Judd
  • Sat May 3, – Anything for Salinas, tribute to Selena
  • Fri May 16 – Morris Day & The Time and Sheila E.
  • Fri May 30 – Jefferson Starship
  • Fri Jul 4 – Revisiting Credence, tribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival
  • Fri Jul 18 – Los Lonely Boys
  • Thu Aug 21 – Bachman Turner Overdrive

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