Episode 37 – Dr. Daniel Calac

Eric Ortega March 28, 2025

Episode 37 – Dr. Daniel Calac

Pala Life: Past and Present
This episode of Pala Life Past and Present includes a conversation with Dr. Dan Calac and Tara Millbrand. The program “Reach Out and Read” is discussed. They talk about sharing the importance and joy of reading with children and why it is so important to the American Academy of Pediatrics. I also include the Cupa story, “The Fox and the Cat” as told by Rosenda Nolasquez in Pa’enaxily(Cupeno Language). This was recorded in 1962. The Kupa song and Dance Group share the song “Kusaanem Chiip”.

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Eric Ortega
Pala Tribal member Eric Ortega lives on the Pala Indian Reservation with his wife and children. He is very involved with the culture, history and the education of the local community. His show “Pala Life: Past and Present” has won awards from the San Diego Press Club.

Pala Life: Past and Present” is the show where you can hear about the history of Pala Through The Eyes of the people who have lived here. Eric Ortega also produces “Songs of the Southwest” which showcases local Native American traditional songs from Southern California Arizona and Nevada.

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