Episode 39 – Ruben Silvas Jr.

Eric Ortega February 16, 2025

Episode 39 – Ruben Silvas Jr.

Pala Life: Past and Present
In this show I had the opportunity to visit with the Silvas Family. Ruben Silvas Jr received an Athletic scholarship to the University of Alaska, Fairbanks for basketball. I played basketball, like a lot of us, on the reservation. I played some with Ruben’s grandfather and I have seen the athletic development of this young man. In this show I speak with three generations of ball players. However my first conversation is with my Comadre Lilly, Ruben’s grandmother, followed by the ball players and Ruben’s Coach from the University. I finish the show with a song from the Inter Tribal Bird Singers.

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Eric Ortega
Pala Tribal member Eric Ortega lives on the Pala Indian Reservation with his wife and children. He is very involved with the culture, history and the education of the local community. His show “Pala Life: Past and Present” has won awards from the San Diego Press Club.

Pala Life: Past and Present” is the show where you can hear about the history of Pala Through The Eyes of the people who have lived here. Eric Ortega also produces “Songs of the Southwest” which showcases local Native American traditional songs from Southern California Arizona and Nevada.

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